Posted on 5/31/2023
Engines are a true marvel of engineering. While their history dates back around 200 years, the engines we know today are nothing like the ones before. Engines function by compressing air and fuel, then igniting it to produce power. While this is a simple concept, the parts that make the engine work aren't. If you want to know more about how engines are made, make sure to continue reading! The main components of an engine include: Engine block Oil pan Cylinders and pistons Auxiliary or timing belts/chains Gaskets and seals Crankshafts Ignition system Engine Block The main component of any vehicle is the engine block. It is a big metal component that usually makes the bulk of the engine. Its main job is to contain the explosions and provide a proper environment for them to happen. One other characteristic it has is that it helps with overall cooling and heat dissipation. Oil Pan Usually, located under the engine block the ... read more